The Podcast about
Unlocking G-d’s Blessing

What can we do to unlock G-d’s blessings and realize our potential as a people. This podcast is about finding answers and making them real.

About Me

I have been blessed with a life of discovery in which I have learned to see a world of new possibilities within the ancient words of Torah. The question remained: what should I do with what I’ve learned.

Just this afternoon my eldest son and I read a passage, written just over 400 years ago. In discussing the efforts of individuals, Francis Bacon wrote:

“either from an extravagant estimate of the value of the arts which they possess, they seek no further; or else from too mean an estimate of their own powers, they spend their strength in small matters and never put it fairly to the trial in those which go to the main [the most important matters].”

Francis Bacon was claiming that we either fail to appreciate what has yet to be achieved or we fail to understand what we can contribute to changing the world. Bacon’s ideas gave birth to the idea of practical science and the scientific method. He ‘went to the main’ and changed the world.

Today, in the midst of war, it is time for us to realize our power and dedicate our strength to building a society crafted in the image of G-d. We too can ‘go to the main’ and we to can change the world.

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